Today marks 25 years with the
Love of my life
Father of my kids
Best friend
Workaholic--keeping it real!
Relentless provider
Funny funny funny
One and only
25 years is a crazy long amount of time. We were babies and wide eyed and optimistic. We are mid forties, clear eyed, and optimistic.
Marriage is no joke. The stats on folks getting married at 19 and 21 are not good. And yet.
We grew up together. We innovated. We dug our hearts in and trusted God when things seemed scary and overwhelming (Three adoptions from China. Three beautiful blessings. Hard fought parenthood.).
On my "happy anniversary baby" I'm grateful for a shared faith I'm grateful for our parents living out commitment. I'm grateful that when my feelings were hurt or I felt alone or we argued or he saw my failings and I saw his that we both chose to stay in it. Marriage is the ultimate vulnerability. Exposed. Raw. Seen. Compassion is essential.
Marriage is the iron on iron, soul on soul, sharpening, refining, daring, dreaming, desiring, taking flight union by choosing every day to connect and to encourage and to lift up the other one and to be lifted up in that choice.
It is the hardest thing. And the best thing. And I love him. And he loves me. We are not perfect but we are perfectly partnering to do marriage together. Wherever you are in your life, married, single, hoping to be married, happily unmarried. Your story isn't finished. God is doing something--especially in the difficult moments--that will be amazing and beautiful and transcendent. Be faithful. Love boldly. Live a life of wild extravagance.
Happy anniversary to my one and only. I wouldn't change a thing.